Because the average amount of time spent on here is 14 seconds....

That's right, I'm on to you! I've got Google tracking your every visit and every click (did you know that?) Don't be too scared- I can't tell who you are, just what you do while you're on here. I want to thank the pioneers who spend 10 minutes on TWC, reading and thinking and dissecting every paragraph-either that or they leave the page up in their browser while they leave work and head to the Margarita Mill for a noon-time pick me up- it all looks the same to me! 15 minutes is 15 minutes no matter how you slice it! At least on Google analytics it is.

For those of you who thirst for knowledge and words, anon, on my loves. (And if you are a reader worth your salt you will catch that allusion.) (Or if you're Claire Danes fan you might, too).

For the rest of you, here are some photos. These are some gems from that crazy place where I work (I have a job- did you know that?) where wild things happen on the daily. I'm heading back there soon, health dependent. Instead of trying to write about all the fun, here's something a little easier to take in, and it should probably take you about your normal 15 seconds. (Aren't I considerate?) Anyway, enjoy. And thanks for participating in The Wilder Coast.

Interlude! You know that saying "A picture is worth 1,000 words" ? Well, when I was in college studying creative writing, I used to crow about how a realllyyy good writer could write something 1,000 times more powerful than pictures. In fact, my very first blog, the long-deceased ancestor or TWC, was titled "Words Make Pictures". Since then, of course, I've realized that's all bullshit.