That girl was me and that dog was, you guessed it- Hometeam. We are stranded at the Holiday Inn here in South- uuhhhhhhhh- Scranton. I HATE saying Scranton, Pennsylvania, only because it sounds too much like Scrotum, Pennsylvania and it makes my mouth feel weird. Say it aloud- see what I mean? But anyway, here I am, a Prisoner Of Winter. One of those idiots who heeded not the warnings of the weather forecasters and set off on a 900 mile, Northbound automobile trip.
I always drive from North Carolina to Vermont in one shot, meaning by the time I pass into New England I am usually chewing on coffee grounds and hallucinating sea creatures bubbling around outside the car. But not this time. Around the Maryland/Pennsylvania border, Garth Brooks' "Ain't Goin down till the Sun Comes up" was interrupted by those weird screeches and the robot guy informing me a "state of snow emergency" had been declared. Honesty, they weren't kidding. I slalomed my way through Jackknifed trucks and toppled minivans, thinking if I could just get onto highway 84 the conditions would improve. (Because that makes so much sense.)
I finally reached highway 84, slid off the first exit and into the only hotel around, the South --CENSORED-- Holiday Inn. As previously mentioned, I snuck in the little dog and she immediately claimed the king sized bed as HOMETEAM'S!
Since I'm not really interested in TV, I have nothing better to do than kill the hours taking pictures of my dog and posting them here. In advance: I'm really sorry.