It was nice, those four days. But now the snow is back, the driving snow, hard bits of it pelting the windshield. The little pearls of green on the trees are yanking back into their underworld. It's freezing cold- had I forgotten what cold was like, in those few days of false spring? It feels terrible. It makes my bones ache. I'm back to my old tricks- tea from a bright kettle, run another bath, drive on slippery roads out to a contra dance in the next town over just to get out of the house and move around. But each day feels the same, a regression, as if we are following the calendar backward and soon it will be January, then December, then before we know it, a blustery autumn. I head to the same corner of the same bookstore, cream swirls into espresso, computer screen glowing blue, hands skitter uninterested on the keyboard. Restless. Staring at outside at the telephone wires slicing across the stone-grey sky. Remembering what it was like to wake up, just a few days ago, to the sweet, alien sounds of birds.
False promises
It was nice, those four days. But now the snow is back, the driving snow, hard bits of it pelting the windshield. The little pearls of green on the trees are yanking back into their underworld. It's freezing cold- had I forgotten what cold was like, in those few days of false spring? It feels terrible. It makes my bones ache. I'm back to my old tricks- tea from a bright kettle, run another bath, drive on slippery roads out to a contra dance in the next town over just to get out of the house and move around. But each day feels the same, a regression, as if we are following the calendar backward and soon it will be January, then December, then before we know it, a blustery autumn. I head to the same corner of the same bookstore, cream swirls into espresso, computer screen glowing blue, hands skitter uninterested on the keyboard. Restless. Staring at outside at the telephone wires slicing across the stone-grey sky. Remembering what it was like to wake up, just a few days ago, to the sweet, alien sounds of birds.