I'm writing this before I leave, but by now I should have already finished the whitewater canoeing portion of the trip, and the rock climbing and maybe the sea kayaking off the coast of Acadia in Maine. I'm probably back packing right now, either in the White Mountains or somewhere in Maine.
I'm sure I'm loving life right now. I've prepped myself for this trip all my life by listening to archaic sea shanties since birth. I love sea shanties and any maritime folk music, and most it comes from Maine and Novia Scotia. The truth is, if I really like Maine, I might just stay there. Because after this trip, it's completely up to me where I land next.
Anyway, I'm happy as a clam to be leading this trip. I'm co-leading it with another girl, meaning In can't just hang back and wait for Dave and the boys to do all the work. Also, it's in New England, not Chile or the Southland. My turf! And, it's all girls. What I'm saying is, all should be good in the hood.
By the way, this is how I write when I'm being informal and convivial. It's so much easier!
How about some photos? I'd like that! Here are some things I'm missing right now. Forgive me. It's just, I may come across a public computer and want to have a look at these myself:
Coffee! I think Austin Huck took this one:
This little:
And this place (and this person):
Real Food:
And Coco:
aaaannnd two more, for the cheap seats in the back: