One more announcement before we return to normal programming. This video, Facing East, won first prize in the International Reel Paddling Film Festival. It was co-directed and filmed in part by Tino Specht, my wildly handsome and unreasonably talented friend and New River Academy co-worker. It's playing TODAY at 12:30 pacific time, and also on the 16th at 8:30.
Facing East [NBC Universal Sports AD] from Vital Films on Vimeo.
Tino- I'm so so so proud of you. NBC Universal is broadcasting your movie! You're on TV, motherfucker! Hell yeah!
Facing East [NBC Universal Sports AD] from Vital Films on Vimeo.
Tino- I'm so so so proud of you. NBC Universal is broadcasting your movie! You're on TV, motherfucker! Hell yeah!