World Says Go

I was on a bus two nights ago, propping my head on my hands, feeling rag tag and heavy. It was a black, starless New England night outside, thick with humidity. The land we pushed through pulsed with familiarity and loneliness, and emotions swam through my head as if on an endless thread. Not sure which one to indulge, I put on a song called Beautiful World and closed my eyes for a few minutes.

All at once, I found myself easing back into the world around me, settling down in a way I've been too tightly wound to do for months. Beautiful World is song written and sung by my friend Darren Guyaz, and incredibly kind and talented man I met in WFR class. Darren is on Kickstarter right now, and his debut album is hovering on the verge of being funded. He has nine days to go. He's offering some enticing prizes for donating at all levels- if you donate 12 dollars, you get a digital download of the whole album after it's been recorded. So in effect, you're not really donating, you're just pre-buying.

Please let me know if you give to Darren's album! I'm staring into a year of hard work, late nights, deadlines, search and rescue and scrambling to make it all happen. We're all staring into this kind of year, as far as I can tell. I want to listen to an album that will help me come down from it all. If you contribute, I'll send you one of my photo cards with a hand written letter, thanking you for helping creativity thrive in a daunting economy.

Click here to give his music a listen and help him out if you can. Even if you can't spare a few bucks, and not all of us can, definitely check out his music and spread the word. Help keep underground, homemade music alive, and thank you.