In late October, I'm going to New York City.
I'm attending the BlogHer & Penguin Publishing House Writers Conference. For two days I'll live inside the Hilton Hotel, going to seminars and talks and meeting with writers, literary agents, editors, and publishers. For the next few days after that I'll be walking the streets, wondering if this is where I'm supposed to be one day.
This is me, going for it.
I love my website. I love magazines. I owe my world to the people who publish my articles in any capacity. But I want to write a book; it's been my dream since I was in kindergarten. I want to write sketches, screenplays, I want to write for television, I want to write essays, fiction, digital shorts. I want to write everything.
So I have to get to New York.
Between now and then, I'll be working as hard as humanly possible to pull together my book outline. It's also vital that I grow my "platform." These days, agents won't look twice at you unless you have an impressive visible platform. They look at your readership, all your analytic and page stats, followers, fans, etc.
And you can help! In fact, you're the only one who can help! Become a "Follower" of this blog by clicking the link on the left, and join the Wilder Coast Facebook Page by clicking here and pressing the "like" button on the page:
If you would like to donate to my trip to New York (plane ticket and registration fee), I'm thinking up cool ways to show my huge, genuine gratitude. If you donate, I will send you a hand written thank you letter on a Wilder Coast photo card, and a large 5 x 7 print of any photo from this blog. I'll sign it and write a thank you, so you can stick it on your fridge and let the world (or at least your dinner guests) know that you support hard working writers. Become a supporter by clicking here:
I'm working on putting together a Picassa Album of the my best photos so you can scroll through with ease. Until then, shuffle around the blog and see if any shot catches your interest. Donators will be kept in the loop about the conference, the book, the City, and the road to publication. Because after all, you've made it possible.
Alright. Hold on tight- here we go!