Will you sleep in my bathtub for me?

It happened again. I woke up this morning and heard the sound of hard rain hitting the window. It startled me because such intense, direct rain is rare in this city.  It occurred to me that I should wake up and take a picture of the storm. I turned over and opened my eyes and saw it was not raining outside.

I was confused but I decided to go back to sleep. The sound of water continued. Then I remembered something that happened a few weeks back.

I literally thought, "Oh, no."

I got up and walked across the room to the bathroom. For the second time, I saw that the water in the bath was running. The hot water spigot was turned on full blast, and the water coming out was very cold, meaning it had been running for a long time.

Is this something that I do in my sleep? Do I get up and decide to run myself a bath and then go back to bed?

I've never definitively slept walked before, and I had plenty of opportunities to be caught doing so. I went to boarding school. I had a roommate in college when I lived at the dorms. When I taught at New River Academy we all slept in extremely close quarters. I can name a dozen teenagers who would have loved to describe my sleep antics over breakfast, or as a distraction in my American Literature class.

I woke up a few times last night. I went to the bathroom, I checked something in a book that had been bothering me. Each time I got out of bed the room was quiet, I turned a light on, and all the faucets were off. I did not sleep particularly deeply. This is strange to say, but I just have the feeling that I'm not the one doing this.

Someone please tell me what's going on. Am I sleep walking or am I being haunted?

Today's giveaway is a call to tell a story. Either assure me or spook me. Do you sleep walk?  Have you ever been haunted? Any suggestion for rigging the bathroom so I know what's going on if it happens again? If you got nothing, just tell me how you're doing today.

A randomly chosen comment will get a 20$ Starbucks Gift Card. If you live in Seattle, Boston or Vermont, we can make it a gift card to a local place. Now go for it, leave me a message.