blue fog

taking your cheerful suggestions: instagram @melinadream
You all were enormously helpful this past week with your suggestions on how to cheer up the dismal winter days. I know that some of you live up North or up high and you're treated to powder snow and boiled blue skies- not so much here. In the Blue Ridge, we've been immersed in fog and rain for five days straight; I swear I was almost hit by a runaway train. 

I wrote this article about where to go to keep your spirits up in Asheville. 

I've said this before, but after a decade in Seattle, I'm conditioned to think that the rain will be with us, stubborn at the doorstep, until late spring. But it doesn't work like that here: today the sun appeared, it was a bright, crisp 30 degrees, and I stood outside between biology lab and chemistry and I blinked. After school was out for the day, I put on my running shoes and did a loping, have hearted trot up to town, then treated my bewildered muscles to a hot bath, dark beer and a book. (Thank you Alice, perfect medicine.)

Lori, I found myself a vial of liquid Vitamin D, Mariel and Carolyn I keep my copy of Yes Please! next to my bed, stacked on top of Bossy Pants and Mindy Kaling's book.  Marie and Carolina I took your advice and started planning my March trip to Seattle, when the cherry blossoms will be in bloom and I can visit the islands and eat pho on Ballard Ave. 

Also, and you're going to want to pay attention to this, David and I came up with an invention. It's called Bed Cape. It's a big cape, multilayered, made of fleecy blankets that you wear around the house. When you want to nap, simply flop over- you're in bed! Dave added an attachable pillow like they have on life preservers to keep your head floating. He calls it the Patented Pillow Flop technology.


And now, the winner of this week's sunshine Mystery Prize!

Blogger Erin Macauley said...
Reading these comments! No joke...we readers are some sunshine folks. I love it.
This year it's taking my boyfriend's ole lady beagle (14 this month) for a walk every day at lunch. LORD was it a nasty day today...but I found a break in the rain to run home and walk her the quarter mile? Half mile? that her hips will let her, and the grin on her face became my own.
January 12, 2015 at 5:46 PM

Congrats Erin! Hometeam demands that I walk her nightly - the nerve - but thank goodness, otherwise my evenings might be crushed under the meaninglessness of my favorite activity: picking up the house while The Office plays in the background, and I wish I were kidding. Erin, email and we'll get you all set up.

Thanks for the hints everyone, I'll see you soon. I've got some partnerships in the works, very excited for what's to come.